St Brigid's School


St Brigid's School Collie

205 Prinsep Street
T: (08) 9735 9200

School Procedures & Guidelines

School Attendance Guidelines & Procedures

Correct recording of student attendance is a legal requirement for teachers in schools in Western Australia.

Read the full School Attendance Guidelines & Procedures.

Student Assessment and Reporting Procedure

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority requires all schools to implement the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment outline to meet the learning needs of all students.

Read the full Student Assessment and Reporting Procedure.

Behaviour Management Guidelines & Procedures

All members of the school community have a right to experience a caring, safe and positive school environment. Our Behaviour Management Policy has been developed to ensure there is consistency and clarity in the  expectations required of students and in the way breaches are managed by the school.

Read the full Behaviour Management Policy.

Student Code of Conduct Procedure

As students of St Brigid’s Collie, we understand that all members of our school community need to follow a Code of Conduct for the safety and well-being of everybody. At St Brigid’s we want to feel safe, successful, respected and happy.

Download the full Student Code of Conduct

School Staff/Family Code of Conduct Procedure

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students as required by all staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians

Download the School Staff/Family Code of Conduct here.

Complaints Procedure

In the case of a dispute or a complaint, please refer to CEWA’s Dispute and Complaint Resolution Policy, which can be found under the CEWA policy link.

The Director General of the Department of the Education is responsible for ensuring that the school observes the registration standards, including the standard about its complains handling system. Any student, parents or community member is entitles to contact the Director General with concerns about how the school dealt with a complaint. Information is available on the Department of Education website. While the Director General may consider whether the school had breached the registration standards, she does not have the power to intervene in a complaint or override the school’s decision. 

Read the full Dispute and Complaint Resolution Policy.

School Fees Schedule & Collection Procedure

As a Catholic school, operating as part of the Catholic Church, we have a vital mission, to provide a Catholic education for the children of all families in our Parish. As such there is an obligation on us, as a school community, to ensure that all families who desire their children to be educated in their faith, can do so without fear of prejudice on the grounds of financial concerns.

Read the full School Fees Policy.

Student Technology Guidelines Procedure

This Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement incorporates the use of all digital devices (e.g. laptops, mobile phones, tablets, e-readers etc.) and online services provided by St Brigid’s Collie (SBC). This Agreement also includes cyber safety expectations and is to be read in conjunction with the Dealing with Bullying, Harassment, Aggression and Violence Policy.

Read the full Student Acceptable Use of Technology Policy.

Sunsmart Guidelines & Procedures

Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Overexposure to the sun during childhood and adolescent is an important contributing factor to the development of skin cancer later in life. As students are at school during times of peak ultraviolet (UV) radiation, schools can play a major role in creating a supportive environment that minimises exposure and encourages sun protective behaviours.
Read the full Sunsmart Policy.

SunSmart – Sun Protection Times
Check out the SunSmart app.
Learn More…

CEWA Statutory Privacy Policy

Read the full CEWA Statutory Privacy Policy

Read the full CEWA Privacy Collection Notice

Whistleblower Protection Framework

Read the full Whistleblower Protection Framework – CEWA Policy



To provide the students of Collie and the surrounding areas with the very best educational program, underpinned by Christian values and spiritual development.